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April 23, 2003
Finished redesigning hiking page links. Added a direct link to the hiking galleries to the front page. Will update the site map soon to match the new structure. Also may add a hiking link to the Hobbies page at some point in the future.

April 15, 2003
Started redesigning the gallery area of the site to include a special hiking section. Moved some pics, added several, and restructured the galleries. Also may add a link to the galleries section directly from the front page.

September 20, 2002
Finished up a Site Map for the site (see here) that is also linked to by the alternate nav system at the bottom of the site and below the NavBar. Now you can get to any part of the site with only one click and also see all the things you've missed!

September 19, 2002
Added a Joel, Shogun of the Dark card to the site. It is the first Shadow card posted: hopefully there will be more soon. Of course, now that that's up, the uniqueness question raises its ugly head, but oh well. Star Wars didn't worry about it. Much. Also added play variation pages for the LotR TCG. Probably will do Star Wars multiplayer and balanced play variants tomorrow or this weekend. Also have considered doing a site map for the site. Probably will tonight.

September 18, 2002
Redid some of the Friends cards in the LotR section as well as added a new possession. As far as I'm concerned, they are all play legal when you're playing with me. Just don't expect them to be as strong as the other cards- I tend to design them to be secondary story elements.

September 17, 2002
Finished redesigning the Library- now includes alternate formats for each article that present a close to plain text view in black on white, single HTML page for those who don't have high speed access or who prefer reading down to reading across. Also refined previous library pages so that the form response location is defined.

September 14, 2002
Uploaded some custom Lord of the Rings cards, one for each of my friends in the LotR play group we have. These are available in the LotR Main page (under the Hobbies page) on the Custom Cards link (below the Nav bar). Anyway, enjoy...

September 11, 2002
Finished up transcribing all the articles and such that I have ready for the library as of yet. Also finished cover pages and image mapping to create perfectly matche book pages. NOTE: Library must be viewed in 1024 or better res to get the right effect although it is usable at lower values. 1024 is ideal...
Also uploaded and linked the Alternate Ringbearer cards today. They're up there; so Josh, you can start on your pure Dwarf deck...

September 10, 2002
Did most of the setup and transcription of stuff into the Writing Section. Basically created a library full of books. I'm impressed with it, although my roommate had no shortage of comments about what would make it better. Anyway, there are currently 14 titles uploaded onto my virtual library shelf.

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